Nanotech Planet


Steve Wilcenski

Steve Wilcenski

BNNano, Inc. Co-Founder & CEO.

Steve is the Co-Founder and CEO of BNNano, a Nanotechnology Manufacturer of Boron Nitride Nanotubes. Boron Nitride Nanotubes, the next “Super Material”, are similar to Carbon Nanotubes in size, strength, and thermal conductivity. Different in that BN Nanotubes are white instead of black, electrically insulating instead of conducting, and have a high dielectric strength. BN Nanotubes are better than Carbon Nanotubes in that they survive as high as 1300°C, have a 25% higher bond strength with epoxies and PMMA, absorb radiation, and have significant hydrogen storage capacity. BN Nano has commercialized a high throughput process and is looking for partners for applications of BN Nanotubes.
For over 20 years, Steve has been an active member of teams designing and developing technologies and products on the micro and nano-scale. Many of these products have enabled disruptive technologies for markets, including Defense, Aerospace, Biomedical, Automotive, Communications, and Consumer Electronics. Before co-founding BNNano, Steve was the President and General Manager for the MEMS Business Unit of MEMSCAP, SA. Steve earned a B.S. in Material Science and Engineering from North Carolina State University, an M.S. in Chemistry from Clemson University, and an MBA from North Carolina State University.

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